Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Marine Biology Lab Report - 751 Words

2. Temporal variability of alkaline earth metals in seawater: implication for variation in geochemical cycling Ocean plays a key role in geochemical cycling of alkaline earth metals that are directly connected to the global C-cycle. Hence secular variation of elemental and concentrations and isotopic compositions of seawater can reflect major changes in the lithosphere and the atmosphere over geologic time. Consequently, elemental and isotopic composition of marine chemical sediments (e.g., carbonates, oxides and evaporates) have been utilized extensively as geologic archives that potentially record secular variation of ocean chemistry. Long oceanic residence time of metals like Ca, Mg, and Sr makes them potential to record long-term†¦show more content†¦Although, the high temperature basalt-seawater interaction in the mid oceanic ridge axis considered to have no isotope effect on the seawater Mg, the potential of fractionating Mg isotopes during seawater circulating through low temperature ridge flanks is still unexplored. Hydrothermal removal of Mg in the MOR flank can vary between 10-80% of the total Mg removal via seawater-basalt interaction and part of that Mg is incorporated into the CaCO3 precipitated to form calcium carbonate veins (CCV). Given the abundance (1-4 vol%) of CCVs in the upper ocean-ic crust and potential to incorporate significant amount of Mg (~10 times more than biogenic calcites) CCVs can be another potential sink for Mg in the ocean and since carbonates are known to fractionate Mg isotopes CCVs can regulate both concentration and isotopic composition of Mg in seawater. Besides, due to the lack of resolvable sen-sitivity of Mg isotopic fractionation in carbonates to temperature, the CCVs can also record variability in seawater ÃŽ ´26Mg. This motivates me to investigate, the ÃŽ ´26Mg of CCVs from various MOR flanks to evaluate i) their role in controlling oceanic Mg budget and ii) their potential as proxy for seawater ÃŽ ´26Mg. To fulfill the primary objective of this project I plan to 1) obtain CCV samples from various ocean basins. The sample repository of the Ocean Drilling ProgramShow MoreRelatedIdentifying The Genetic Basis Of Microbial Iodate Respiration In Marine Biology Lab Report1083 Words   |  5 PagesIdentifying the Genetic Basis of Microbial Iodate Respiration in Marine Environments Dissimilatory (respiratory) metabolisms provide microbes with energy from the reduction of inorganic oxyanions (e.g., NO3-, ClO3-) via the electron transport chain1. 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