Monday, November 11, 2019

Field Trip Report to Jtmc Library

Field Trip Report to JTMC Library Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC), Pontian 14 March 2013 Introduction The purpose of this field trip is to look at existing conditions and facilities available at Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) library. Apart from that the trip was also intended to discuss possible improvements that can be suggested to the management of the library. Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) built on the site of the Rambah Village, Rimba Terjun Reuters in Pontian.It is one of the 13 Matriculation College under the auspices of the Matriculation Division, Ministry of Education to prepare students for further studies at any of the local universities and abroad. The college began operating on 11 May 2009, and can accommodate up to 700 students in certain time. The college is located near to the Pontian town and surrounded by large cities such as Batu Pahat and Johor Bahru. JTMC Library is a knowledge center which provides reference materials an d information for learning throughout the matriculation program.JTMC Library officially began operations on 1St January 2010 with a collection of 4,156 copies of the book. The mission is contributed to the excellence of knowledge in science and technology through improved access to sources of knowledge, access and distribution and spread accurate and effective info. Meanwhile, the vision is to be the superior knowledge center among technical matriculation by 2015. The motto of JMTC library is ‘Your Information Hub' and it has 4 main objectives which are provide information services to all library users.Secondly, effectively manage the library in line with the needs of teaching, learning, and development of JTMC. Then, promoting information services to citizens of JTMC and cultivate a culture of knowledge among JTMC citizens towards excellence in science and technology. Field observation Apart from collection storage center, resource center also plays a role in providing inform ation services package to support the process of learning and research at the Johor Technical Matriculation College. This is essential to achieve the mission of the college to provide the creative talent and innovative in the field of science and technology.Classification system that has been adopted is in accordance with the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Besides that, the library management use the system software Library Management System for borrowing process, returns, renewals and library databases. At this time JTMC Library led by the Director of Johor Technical Matriculation College which is Tuan Zaidi Bin Yazid and has the strength of 4 staff to lead the library operations. The JTMC Library consisting of Librarian, Administrative Assistant and have two Office Assistant.However, there is still a gap to fill the position of Assistant Library Officer and Assistant Librarian. Library operating hours on Monday to Friday is at 8 am to 5 pm on the day and 8. 30 pm to 11. 00 p m at the night. Meanwhile, during the weekends the library operating on the day only, which is from 10. 00 am to 5. 00 pm. Along with the development of technology resource center has also launched a digital collection consists of newspaper clippings, newsletters and abstract content review / article which can be accessed through the Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) portal.Throughout this observation, I can see some weakness of this library and have been thinking about some solutions to the problem. First, the number of staff during operating hours should be added and all the empty position should be filled. In addition, with the availability of adequate staff then the opening hours can be extended. Thirdly, books should be up to date and increase the number of reference books for critical subject. Then, library environment should be more interesting and ideal for carry out various college activities.Conclusion It is obvious that library plays a major role in ensuring st udent academic success. Therefore it is important for the library to provide the best service to satisfy customer needs. From my experiences Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) library can be one of the best library among other library when able to meet the demands of all users. APPENDICES [pic] Picture 1 : Main building of Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) [pic] Picture 2 : Main entrance of Johor Technical Matriculation College (JTMC) Library

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